So Cute =)

So Cute =)
I couldn't be happier since I met Tanner =)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I'm counting down the days until I get to come home for christmas! Me and Tanner are planning on being there from 12/26 to 12/31 which we'll probably leave the morning of New Years eve since I think we have a couple friend get togethers to get back for that night. I miss my family soooooo much and can't wait to give everyone the biggest hugs and kisses! I started my new job last Monday and I'm loving it so far! I'm learning so much already and I like my manager and coworkers a lot lot...Well me and Tanner are doing splendid and can't wait to come visit!
Love you all!

1 comment:

Eliason 5 said...

So so so so so so excited! We can't wait to see you.

Cute Cousins

Cute Cousins
Brit and Megan with the 2 girls at Ben and Camilles wedding

Palm trees!

Palm trees!
Love the palms in AZ...beautiful!

About Me

My photo
Phoenix, AZ, United States
I'm loving my new home here in Phoenix and I'm adjusting very well =) I've met a very sweet guy while being out here and have been enjoying my time with him...I miss my family and friends in Utah so much and love you all!!!